
20 August 2012

Država protiv vrabaca

Jedan od komentatora na Krstićevo pismo Đilasu postavlja link na Youtube video o kineskoj kampanji protiv vrabaca 1957. godine.

Evo šta su tih dana pisale šangajske novine:

On the early morning of December 13, the citywide battle to destroy the sparrows began.  In large and small streets, red flags were waving.  On the buildings and in the courtyards, open spaces, roads and rural farm fields, there were numerous scarecrows, sentries, elementary and middle school students, government office employees, factory workers, farmers and People's Liberation Army shouting their war cries.  In the Xincheng district, they produced more than 80,000 scarecrows and more than 100,000 colorful flags overnight.  The residents of Xietu road, Xuhui distrct and Yangpu road Yulin district also produced a large number of motion scarecrows.  In the city and the outskirts, almost half of the labor force was mobilized into the anti-sparrow army.  Usually, the young people were responsible for trapping, poisoning and attacking the sparrows while the old people and the children kept sentry watch.  The factories in the city committed themselves into the war effort even as they guaranteed that they would maintain production levels.  In the parks, cemeteries and hot houses where there are fewer people around, 150 free-fire zones were set up for shooting the sparrows.  The Nanyang Girls Middle School rifle team received training in the techniques for shooting birds.  Thus the citizens fought a total war against the sparrows.  By 8pm tonight, it is estimated that a total of 194,432 sparrows have been killed.

Često me potpuno fascinira bizarnost totalitarnih režima.


zmau said...

Mene nekad fascinira sličnost u ponašanju totalitarnih režima i slobodnih građana :

The primary factor emerged when pigeon meat was commercialized as a cheap food for slaves and the poor in the 19th century, resulting in hunting on a massive and mechanized scale. There was a slow decline in their numbers between about 1800 and 1870, followed by a catastrophic decline between 1870 and 1890.


Prior to colonization, Aboriginal Americans occasionally used pigeons for meat. In the early 19th century, commercial hunters began netting and shooting the birds to sell in the city markets as food, as live targets for trap shooting and even as agricultural fertilizer.

Once pigeon meat became popular, commercial hunting started on a prodigious scale. The bird painter John James Audubon described the preparations for slaughter at a known pigeon-roosting site:
Few pigeons were then to be seen, but a great number of persons, with horses and wagons, guns and ammunition, had already established encampments on the borders. Two farmers from the vicinity of Russelsville, distant more than a hundred miles, had driven upwards of three hundred hogs to be fattened on the pigeons which were to be slaughtered. Here and there, the people employed in plucking and salting what had already been procured, were seen sitting in the midst of large piles of these birds. The dung lay several inches deep, covering the whole extent of the roosting-place.

elCoyote said...

Možda sam sa godinama postao preterano paranoičan pa u svemu vidim nameru a ne slučajnost ili nečiju glupost.

Efekat ove kineske akcije je da su populaciju vrabaca smanjili na nivo statrističke greške što je omogućilo da s erazmnože komarci kojima su se vrabci hranili što je izazvalo epidemije malarije i drugih bolesti.
(Izvor 16:10 minut)
Još apsurdnija je bila odluka kineskih vlasti 1959 da za godinu dana Kina duplira proizvodnju čelika pa su svi krenuli da prave čelik. A kada se kaže svi misli se bukvalno svi. Efekat je bio da 1960 nisu imali šta da jedu jer niko nije ništa posejao i uz najgoru sušu ikad zabeleženu počela je glad.
(Izvor 20:25 minut)

Vredi pogledati ceo dokumentarac. Imaju tri dela koji prate Leninja, Staljina, Mao Ce Tunga i Pol Pota.
The Bloody History of Communism

Anonymous said...

Ne znam da li je relevantno,ali ovaj Krstićev tekst nema veze sa vrapcima,već je metafora koju je lako shvatiti ako se zna ko bi još osim vrabaca mogao procvrkutati.
Krstić je Tadićeva desna ruka,a ako je verovati išta medijima ovih dana Đilas glavni preteći element postojećem stanju DSovih struktura.
Baj d vej,ništa novo,sećate li se da je Živković pričao kako je pre glasanja za predsednika DSa,kad ga je Tadić smenio i smaknuo,mnogo članova Glavnog Odbora dobijalo preteće SMSove...vuk dlaku menja...