
10 May 2007

Monterani nacionalizam

Ben Steil u odličnom članku u Foreign Affiars magazinu piše "Nacionalne valute i globalna tržišta jednostavno nisu dobra kombinacija. Izvor su monetarnih kriza, političke nestabilnosti i štetnog protekcionizma." Izabrati nacionalnu valutu u umesto globalne (dolar, evro ili neke nove internacionalne valute) je "kao voziti Hyundai sa ručnim menjačem umesto Lexus sa automatskim. Prvi daje bolju kontrolu ali po ceni lošijih performansi pod bilo kojim uslovima."

Na Tržišnom rešenju je već pisano o prednostima prelaska sa dinara na evro. Jedini razlog kojeg mogu da se setim zašto ne treba zameniti dinar evrom je što u tom slučaju danas jako popularni Mlađan Kovačević ne bi mogao da se pravi pametan.


Anonymous said...

Lazo mi te volimo!:)


Anonymous said...

Dobro, nemoj bas tako. Ipak sam ja svojevremeno radio seminarski rad kod njega :)

Salu na stranu, u pravu si, koliko sam ja tada (i sada) razumeo Kovacevica on se najvise brine da ne dodje do argentinskog scenaria, a pod tim ni sam ne zna sta sve ne podrazumeva. Ali nije samo on u pitanju, sto se spoljnotrgovinskog deficita tice mislim da ima bar jos nekoliko gorih od njega

Larry Popov Yankovic said...

Mr. Antonic,

Please pardon my writing in English, I don't really understand Serbian anymore. My family moved to Brooklyn in 1964, when I was four years old. I have sat here with my grandmother, she's 87 and still loves the plum brandy, while she translated some of your blogs. My name is Larry and her name is Anja. We are very close. My grandmother always tells me about the old country. She loved Tito. Those were the glory days. That is what my grandmother tells me. She has always hated it here in America. She hates capitalist dogs. I do, too. These people talk about liberty, but they really don't know that our uprising against the Ottomans is the only reason the West is free today. My grandmother wants me to tell you that you are full of shit. You and all of the bloodsuckers of your generation. You have destroyed socialism and the ghosts of our martyrs will punish you for eternity. I don't always agree with her, she gets very angry about Serbia today. I do think that you are full of shit, though. I suggest you take that Ayn Rand Fountainhead out of your ass before it causes permanent rupture. Long live the Republic!


Larry Popov Yankovic said...

Oh yeah, my grandmother say you should look in mirror. You do not even have spine. Coward. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Lazare u postu si naveo i malu analogiju- o automobilima. Ocigledno je da si poznavalac, moto industrije, pa me cudi kako si zapostavio najvecu saobracajnu istinu. Najvise zavisi od vozaca. Ljudski faktor, gospodine moj. Inace, ako je covek (nacija) cvrsto odlucio da negde stigne, moze stici i peske. Naravno mnogo je sporije, ali je postignuce vece.

"dva vozaca malo jaca, sede iza upravljaca..."

-Gavrilo's Princip's-

Anonymous said...

Larry you comy bastard! Ask jour grandmother, whay she leaved, our lovly country when it was so nice? Whay she gave you American name? Whay not Tito? You do't knowe nothing about us, or our country, whay dont you two come to visit us, and see everuthing four your selfes.

Amerika i Engleska bi ce zemlja proleterska :-P

P.S. sorry my bad English, I try to forgat it.

-Gavrilo's Princip's-

Lazar Antonić said...


nisam poznavalac automobila, nazalost. Analogija je citirana.