
01 March 2011

Medjunarodni krivični sud

Džon Bolton ima zanimljiv tekst o Medjunarodnom krivičnom sudu. Tekst se bavi Libijom (i donekle SAD), ali ima nekoliko opštijih poenti:

Champions of the ICC theorize it will deter future crimes. Reality proves otherwise. The court has been operational since 2002, so the most persuasive evidence is that almost 10 years after the court's inception, Gadhafi was sufficiently unimpressed that he is doing what comes naturally for terrorists and dictators. History is full of cases where even military force or the threat of retaliation failed to deter aggression or gross criminality. If the West is not prepared to use cold steel against Gadhafi, why should he or any future barbarian worry about the ICC?

The plain if deeply unpleasant fact is that history's hard men are not deterrable by the flimsy threat of eventual prosecution. This underlines why the court itself is so otherworldly. It does not operate in a civil society of shared values and history, but in the chaotic, often brutal realm of international politics. Resorting to the ICC cannot change matters of international politics and power into matters of law.


A new Libyan government should be responsible for dealing with Gadhafi's atrocities. Every crime he is responsible for, from the terrorist bomb that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, to his current street massacres, has been done in the name of the Libyan people. They are the ones who should judge Gadhafi, as Iraqis did with Saddam Hussein.

Gadhafi's fate will raise hard questions for any successor Libyan government. But it is entirely appropriate that it be Libyans who confront and decide such issues and bear the consequences, good and bad, of determining how to dispense justice to him. Political maturation for Libya's citizens, as for those of any country, will not come from outsiders making judgments for them, but from them making their own decisions and living with the results.


Anonymous said...

Međunarodni krivični sud - icc.

Željka Buturović said...

da, pogresila sam, sad cu da popravim. hvala!

Anonymous said...

Nema na čemu. Komentari tome i služe.

Ivan Jankovic said...

"Džon Bolton ima zanimljiv tekst o Medjunarodnom krivičnom sudu. Tekst se bavi Libijom (i donekle SAD), ali ima nekoliko opštijih poenti"


"Jenki licemeri, gde ste bili sa ovom sjajnom doktrinom kad je naseg Slobu i Radovana izrucilo haskom kazamatu?"

Anonymous said...

Нема ту никакве сјајне доктрине, то је основна ствар - на суду се сукобљавају две стране.

Када немаш две сукобљене стране, чему онда суд?

Зато и једна комунистичка држава не може бити правна.

Željka Buturović said...

"Jenki licemeri, gde ste bili sa ovom sjajnom doktrinom kad je naseg Slobu i Radovana izrucilo haskom kazamatu?"

pa ja se nesto ne secam da je bolton hvalio haski tribunal.

a inace nema potrebe da se tu nesto prevodi. ja sam vec iskazivala svoj skepticizam prema haskom tribualu i da, mislim da bi dugorocno za srbiju bilo bolje da se sudilo u srbiji pred srpskim sudovima.

naravno, tu sve vreme postoji i pritisak medjunarodne zajednice pa i nije bilo mnogo izbora. ali ja mislim da je taj pritisak, iako naizgled uspesan, na duze staze kontraproduktivan.