
10 November 2006

Francuska železnica

U Francuskoj opet štrajk železničara. Ništa strašno, ništa novo...Malo su linije skraćene, proređene, promenjene...Razlozi za štrajk uobičajeni. Ipak, sindikati su nezadovoljni odzivom „baze“ (samo trećina radnika u štrajku).

Na sajtu koji se zove Conscience politique, naći ćete sjajnu komparaciju statusa penzionera iz različitih sektora u Francuskoj. Ovo je skraćeni prikaz najzanimljivijih indikatora za dve grupe penzionera. Kome je bolje? Ako ne možete da odlučite, da pomenem kolika je prosečna penzija: za prve 1 465 evra a za druge 1 534 . Nije ni čudo što postoji jedna konstanta u istraživanjima javnog mnjenja u Francuskoj, od Tokvila do danas: najveći san svakog Francuza je da radi za državu.

Zaposleni u privatnom sektoru

Zaposleni u Francuskoj železnici (SNCF)

Koliko godina se uplaćuje penziono osiguranje

40 godina do 2008. a posle 42 godine

37 i po godina

Stopa doprinosa

10,35 % na ukupan prihod

7,85 % osnovne zarade (nije promenjena poslednjih 15 godina)

Prosečna starost prilikom odlaska u penziju

61 godina i 9 meseci

50 godina i 2 meseca za mašinovođe; 55 godina i jedan mesec za ostale

Usklađivanje penzija

Prema rastu cena(od 1993)

Prema rastu plata (20 % više od nivoa inflacije za period od 1990 do 2004)

Očekivano trajanje života nakon penzionisanja

22 godine i 6 meseci

28 godina

Mirko Đorđević, Nikolaj i komunisti

U jutrošnjem "Peščaniku" radija B 92, sociolog Mirko Đorđević, koga sam ranije uvažavao, "proslavio" se izjavom na kojoj bi mu i Ljubiša Rajić i Svetlana Slapšak pozavideli. Kaže Mr Đorđević, kritikujući kolaboraciju Ljotića, Nedića, Nikolaja Velimirovića i drugih sa Nemcima, i zabašurivanje toga od strane naše "nacionalne inteligencije" da je "svaki pravi Srbin, pravoslavac i patriota, uključujući i sveštenike bio jula 1941 uz komuniste".

Uh, Boga mu. Valjda su i one hiljade Srba, pravoslavaca, a nadasve sveštenika koji su završili po komunističkim jamama i javnim stratištima bili ili trebali da budu uz komuniste? Ne znam šta časni Đorđević misli o onima iz "pasjih grobalja u Crnoj Gori" ili Kočevskog roga u Sloveniji - da li njihovi potomci treba da budu zahvalni komunistima što su ih pobili, ili ti (pobijeni) možda nisu ni bili pravi "Srbi, patriote i pravoslavci". Recimo Draža Mihailović i Slobodan Jovanović nisu dobri Srbi i pravoslavci, jer oni ne da nisu bili uz komuniste 1941 nego nikad, a onaj prvi je posle montiranog procesa 1946 streljan, a da i danas ne znamo gde je pokopan.

U svakakve stranputice vodi ideologija antifašizma pokazao je Đorđević ovim besramnim opravdavanjem komunističkih zločina i difamiranjem svih srpskih rodoljuba i antifašista koji su istovremeno bili i antikomunisti. Zašto se čudimo gospodo što liberalizam ne stoji baš dobro u Srbiji? Pa ovde je komunizam još "progresivna" ideologija, a njegove žrtve i protivnici još prećutani ili satanizovani.

Američki izbori u drugom svetlu

Nadam se da se Steve Pejovich neće ljutiti što prenosim delove privatnog mejla koji mi je poslao. Reč je o izjavi republikanskog senatora Toma Coburna, datoj povodom upravo završenih kongresnih izbora u Americi. Ovakvu analizu teško da ćete naći u mejnstrim medijima, ovde ili čak i na Zapadu.

Izvinjavam se i čitaocima zbog dužine priloga, ali mislim da će oprostiti kad pročitaju. Dakle:

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement tonight regarding the outcome of the mid-term elections:

"Although this election represents a short-term setback for Republicans, it could be an important turning point for the Republican Party and, more importantly, the country. Every incumbent was reminded that the American people, not party establishments, hold the reins of government. Throughout our history, when the American people rise up and force change our country benefits. In our system, the wisdom of many individual voters still outweighs the wisdom of a few," Dr. Coburn said.

"Many factors contributed to these election results. The American people obviously are concerned about the conduct of the war in Iraq. The overriding theme of this election, however, is that voters are more interested in changing the culture in Washington than changing course in Washington, D.C. This election was not a rejection of conservative principles per se, but a rejection of corrupt, complacent and incompetent government.

"A recent CNN poll found that 54 percent of Americans believe government is doing too much while only 37 percent want government to do more. The results of this election reflect that attitude. Among the Republicans who lost their re-election bids a surprising number were political moderates who advocated a more activist government. Several Republican members of the appropriations committees, which have been on a spending binge, also were not re-elected. On the other hand, the two Republican senators who pulled off the most impressive victories were unapologetic conservatives, Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and John Ensign (R-NV). It is also notable that the Democrats who won or who ran competitive races sounded more like Ronald Reagan than Lyndon Johnson.

"This election does not show that voters have abandoned their belief in limited government; it shows that the Republican Party has abandoned them. In fact, these results represent the total failure of big government Republicanism.

"The Republican Party now has an opportunity to rediscover its identity as a party for limited government, free enterprise and individual responsibility. Most Americans still believe in these ideals, which reflect not merely the spirit of 1994 or the Reagan Revolution, but the vision of our founders. If Republicans present real ideas and solutions based on these principles we will do well in the future.

"Our short-term, politically-expedient, bread and circus governing philosophy has failed. Iraq is an important issue in the minds of voters but it is not the only issue. Our majority was severely weakened by a long series of decisions that pre-date the public's current concern about Iraq.

"Republicans oversaw a seven-fold increase in pork [american expression for rent seeking projects] projects since 1998. Republicans increased domestic spending by nearly 50 percent since 2001, increased the national debt to $9 trillion, passed a reckless Medicare expansion bill and neglected our oversight responsibilities. While some of these decisions may have helped secure specific seats in the short-term the totality of our excess did not secure our majority, but destroy it.

"Some have said that Republicans and Democrats now need to govern from the middle. I disagree. We do not need to govern from the center as much as we need to govern from conscience. When politicians have the courage to argue their convictions and lose their political lives in an honest battle of ideas the best policies will prevail.

"Voters are bored and tired of partisan role playing in Washington. The answers to securing Iraq, winning the War on Terror, and preventing the impending bankruptcies of Medicare and Social Security will not be discovered by portraying the other party as the focus of evil and corruption. If we don't debate these issues with honor and agree on solutions we will be the first generation of leaders that left the next generation worse off, and we will see our relative power in the world diminish.

"One of the great paradoxes in politics is that governing to maintain power is the surest way to lose it. Republicans have the ideas to solve our greatest challenges. If we focus on ideas, our majority status will take care of itself," Dr. Coburn said.

Zašto evro pada a cene rastu

Ovo je isečak iz mog članka u današnjem Danasu:

Postoji jedan način da se izbegne plaćanje ovog inflatornog poreza EU (ili SAD). To je vraćanje dobijene valute nazad u EU, odnosno trošenje na uvoz robe iz EU ili neke druge zemlje. Srbija ima veliki devizni priliv i zato je ovo značajno. Da bi izbegla plaćanje ovog implicitnog poreza u što većoj meri, treba da dozvoli slobodan izlaz deviza iz zemlje i što više da uvozi.
Ako pak postoje ograničenja izlaska kapitala iz zemlje, kao i ograničenja uvoza kao što su prosečna carinska stopa od 9 odsto ili praktična zabrana uvoza malo starijih automobila, onda je to pritisak da se devizni priliv troši u Srbiji. Ovo ne samo da primorava građane Srbije da plaćaju implicitni porez Evropskoj uniji, nego istovremeno povećava domaću tražnju, što se onda odražava na rast cena i vrši pritisak na kurs dinara zbog velike ponude deviza. Tako se događa da cene rastu, a dinar jača.

Ceo članak je dostupan u internet izdanju, rubrika Dijalog.