Prethodnih dana nisam baš stigao da pratim blogove, pa se nakupilo. Evo linkova na članke koje treba natenane da pročitate za vikend:
1. Robert Murphy:
To my knowledge, no school of economic thought predicted all of the major trends back in, say, January 2008. The conventional Keynesians employed at the White House and in major forecasting firms were completely wrong about the Obama stimulus package. The “crowding out” Chicago School types were completely wrong about the deficit’s impact on interest rates. People like Peter Schiff (and yours truly) were completely wrong about consumer price inflation in 2009 and 2010. The “quasimonetarists” (who blamed Bernanke for his allegedly tight money policies) and Paul Krugman were completely wrong about gold and silver prices, and arguably about the fragility of the “recovery” in the stock market.
2. Antireklama - modna firma Abercrombie & Fitch je spremna da plati nekom od džibera u Jersey Shore-u da NE nosi više njihovu garderobu. Podseća me na onu pričicu iz Autostoperskog vodiča kroz galaksiju o Robu McKenni - "Bogu kiše", kojem su turistički gradovi plaćali da ne dolazi na letovanje kod njih.
3. Za online slušanje predmeta na temu veštačke inteligencije na Stanfordu se prijavilo 58.000 ljudi.
4. Budućnost snabdevanja energijom je u Americi:
The U.S. endowment of unconventional oil is more than 2 trillion barrels, with another 2.4 trillion in Canada and 2 trillion-plus in South America -- compared with conventional Middle Eastern and North African oil resources of 1.2 trillion. The problem was always how to unlock them economically.
5.Zanimljiv i kontraverzan program javnih radova u Mađarskoj.
6. Šangajska lista 100 najboljih univerziteta u svetu za društvene nauke. Najboljih 14 su američki, a u prvih 50 nema nijednog koji nije "anglosaksonski" (4 britanska, 4 kanadska i 42 američka). Najbolji "neanglosaksonski" je Univerzitet Erazmus iz Holandije. Za one koji sumnjaju u pristrasnost - radi se o Šangajskoj listi, koju pravi šangajski Jiao Tong Univerzitet.
7. O stanju u srpskom fudbalu najbolje govori izjava Majkla O'Nila, fudbalera Šamrok Roversa:
За нас је невероватно да уопште сањамо да играмо у Лиги Европе, имајући у виду да наши играчи немају сталне уговоре. Зато је ово велики тренутак за све у клубу.
Svaka čast, momci, zaslužili ste!
8. Alex Tabarrok između ostalog citira i sledeći pasus iz knjige Nothing to Envy, o osobi koja je iz Severne Koreje prebegla u Kinu:
Up until that moment, a part of her had hoped that China would be just as poor as North Korea. She still wanted to believe that her country was the best place in the world. The beliefs she had cherished for a lifetime would be vindicated. But now she couldn’t deny what was staring her plain in the face; dogs in China ate better than doctors in North Korea.
9. Odličan duži članak Waltera Russela Meada o istoriji i današnjici Turske.
10. Čini mi se da Perry lako može da pobedi Obamu. Deluje mi da su svi neophodni sastojci tu.