Ali, naporedo sa ovim finim libertarijanizmom iz Njujork Tajmsa, Catoa, Reasona, u Americi džiklja jedan nekontrolisani, grubi, seljački libertarijanizam malog čoveka koji sebe i dalje nesofistikovano zove "američkim patriotom" i koji se poziva na tradiciju "čajanki" iz 18 veka, iz vremena revolucionarnog rata: on ne miriše na viski i kavijar sa prestoničkih koktela, on ne daje mnogo na "šik" teme kulturne dece 1968-e tipa gej brakovi ili legalizacija marihuane. On je okrenut pitanjima para i državne kontrole njegovog života. On je najčešće "socijalno konzervativan" i sebe posnosno naziva desničarom. Evo daška tog libertarijanizma koji barem meni u odnosu na sve to politički korektno smeće iz Vašingotna i Njujorka, zvuči ne samo kao izraz boljeg ukusa i jačeg karaktera, nego i kao izraz izvorne filozofije Jeffersona i Madisona, Calhouna. Reeč je o najboljem programu tog libertarijanizma koji je napisao Murray Rothbard vodeći predstavnik Austrijske škole ekonomije u drugoj polivini 20 veka i paleo-libertarijanac. Sledeći citati su iz knjige Rothbard-Rockwell Report, pisane početkom 1990-ih, a objavljene kasnije pod nazivom "Irrepresible Rothbard". Jedino što ja mogu da dodam je - kao da je pisano danas.
Social democracy is still here in all its variants, defining our entire respectable political spectrum, from advanced victimology and feminism on the left over to neoconservatism on the right. We are now trapped, in America, inside a Menshevik fantasy, with the narrow bounds of respectable debate set for us by various brands of Marxists. It is now our task, the task of the resurgent right, of the paleo movement, to break those bonds, to finish the job, to finish off Marxism forever.
One of the authors of the Daniel Bell volume says, in horror and astonishment, that the radical right intends to repeal the twentieth century. Heaven forfend! Who would want to repeal the twentieth century, the century of horror, the century of collectivism, the century of mass destruction and genocide, who would want to repeal that! Well, we propose to do just that.
With the inspiration of the death of the Soviet Union before us, we now know that it can be done. We shall break the clock of social democracy. We shall break the clock of the Great Society. We shall break the clock of the welfare state. We shall break the clock of the New Deal. We shall break the clock of Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom and perpetual war. We shall repeal the twentieth century.
One of the most inspiring and wonderful sights of our time was to see the peoples of the Soviet Union rising up, last year, to tear down in their fury the statues of Lenin, to obliterate the Leninist legacy. We, too, shall tear down all the statues of Franklin D. Roosevelt, of Harry Truman, of Woodrow Wilson, melt them down and beat them into plowshares and pruninghooks, and usher in a twenty-first century of peace, freedom and prosperity.
Zapazićete da bi ovakvo šta jednako osudili kao ekstremizam i ljudi sa Catoa i Reasona kao i (neo)konzervativci sa National Review. I jednima i drugima je paleolibertarijanizam najveći naprijatelj. A ko su prijatelji i neprijatelji libertarijanizma po Rothbardu? Evo odgovora:
Most libertarians think of Christian conservatives in the same lurid terms as the leftist media, if not more so: that their aim is to impose a Christian theocracy, to outlaw liquor and other means of hedonic enjoyment, and to break down bedroom doors to enforce a Morality Police upon the country. Nothing could be further from the truth: Christian conservatives are trying to fight back against a left-liberal elite that used government to assault and virtually destroy Christian values, principles, and culture.
In sum, the task of paleolibertarians is to break out of the sectarian libertarian hole, and to forge alliances with cultural and social, as well as politico-economic, "reactionaries." The end of the Cold War, as well as the rise of "political correctness," has made totally obsolete the standard libertarian view that libertarians are either half-way between, or "above," both right and left. Once again, as before the late 1950s, libertarians should consider themselves people of the right.
Ne sumnjajte da bi danas Rothbard smatrao da nisu Sarah Palin i Mike Huckaby najveći naprijatelji libertarijanizma u Americi, nego Beltway korumpirani insajderski lobiji, predvođeni think-tankovima i politički korektnim medijima koji pokušavaju da pripitome i otupe oštricu populističkog gneva protiv Vašingtona. Kao što je mislio početkom 1990-ih.
Ne-libertenskim, desničarskim libertarijancima: kad vas sledeći put napadnu da ste protiv slobode pojedinca zato što ne želite da ratujete na strani levičara u njihovom kulturnom ratu, možete odgovoriti da verujete da je Murray Rothbard bio ipak nešto značajniji i dosledniji lbiertarijanac od Tylera Cowena i Brinka Lindsaya.