
16 April 2007

Ja, igrač!

Ne znam da li iko drugi ovde čita "Svet kompjutera", ali ga ja čitam od '89. godine.

Elem, tamo već pet-šest godina izlazi kolumna "Ja, igrač" koju piše Miodrag Kuzmanović - Kuzma, koja je uglavnom izvanredna. Pogledajte, recimo, ovde, ovde, a za nešto ekstremniju verziju - ovde.

Tekst iz pretposlednjeg broja (mart 2007.), u kome napada već pominjani SBB još uvek nije dostupan online, ali pretpostavljam da će biti uskoro. Uvod je ovde.

Sledeća knjiga koju ću da naručim

Radi se o knjizi Stivena Lendsburga More Sex is Safer Sex. Prethodne dve knjige koje sam pročitao, Fair Play i Armchair Economist su prosto sjajne i uopšte ne sumnjam da će i nova biti odlična.

Fair Play (sa zanimljivim podnaslovom - What Your Child Can Teach You About Economics, Values and the Meaning of Life) se pored ekonomskih, bavi i drugim pitanjima, poput pravde, pravednosti, tolerancije, a poslednje poglavlje se zove Advice to an Economists' Daughter. Ovde ću navesti nekoliko zanimljivih saveta, u skraćenom izdanju:

1. If you are not making mistakes, you are not taking enough risks... If you never miss your plane, you're spending too much time in airports.
2. Beware of those who tell you to eat natural food... Natural foods are derived from creatures who have survived the natural selection, where it's an advantage to be deadly. Artificial foods have survived in the marketplace, where it's an advantage to be nourishing.
3. Surf the Internet... Let's be honest - access to pornography is not a part of the costs of the Internet, it's one of the benefits.
4. Don't make a mistake of marrying the best possible husband, anymore than you would make the mistake of buying the best possible car.... A perfect husband is a costly extravagance. Most costly extravagances turn out to be mistakes.

Naravno, profesor Lendsburg je liberal i evo šta o tome kaže: "One of the great joys of being a libertarian economist is that libertarianism and economic analysis are so frequently in harmony—as a general rule, freedom tends to promote the fulfillment of human desires."

S vremena na vreme piše i kolumnu Everyday Economist za Slate. Obavezno pogledajte.