
09 August 2010

Levičarsko odrastanje

Na letovanju sam, pored Autostoperskog vodiča za galaksiju, čitao i Hitch-22, autobiografiju Christophera Hitchensa. Još je nisam završio, a prilično je zanimljiva.

Elem, Hitchens je studirao na Oksfordu krajem 60-ih, kada je dosta učestvovao u organizovanju raznoraznih levičarskih aktivnosti, kojih je tada tamo dosta bilo. Evo jednog zanimljivog dela, sa 104. strane:

We didn’t grow our hair too long, because we wanted to mingle with the workers at the factory gate and on the housing estates. We didn’t “do” drugs, which we regarded as a pathetic, weak-minded escapism almost as contemptible as religion (as well as a bad habit which could expose us to a “plant” from the police). Rock and roll and sex were OK. Looking back, I still think we picked the right options. The general atmosphere of intellectual promiscuity and “Third World”romanticism didn’t grab us all that hard, either. If there were any two pseudo-intellectuals who really defined moral silliness in that period, they were Herbert Marcuse and R.D. Laing. The first had come up with the lazy concept of “repressive tolerance” to explain how liberalism was just another mask for tyranny, and the second was a would-be shrink who believed schizophrenia to be, rather than a nightmarish yet treatable malady, a social “construct” imposed by the ideology of the family. It so happened that the best critiques of both these frauds (as well as a stringent essay against the marijuana “culture” titled “Flowers of Decay”) had been written for the annual Socialist Register by my new comrade Peter Sedgwick, who was a qualified expert in mental health as well as in the difference between frantic Frankfurtian illusion and stubborn material reality. So how lucky I was to have been initiated, if that’s the word I want, by someone who was a trained and hardened skeptic about the worst of the Left as well as an advocate for the best of it.

A ovde možete pročitati Hitchensov intervju za Reason iz 2001. godine, u kojem govori kako su na njega uticale libertarijanske ideje da prestane da bude socijalista. Između ostalog, u tekstu govori o ideji moguće "simbioze" levičara i libertarijanaca, makar po pitanju Rata protiv droge. Jedan zanimljiv citat sa kraja intervjua:

Marx’s original insight about capitalism was that it was the most revolutionary and creative force ever to appear in human history. And though it brought with it enormous attendant dangers, [the revolutionary nature] was the first thing to recognize about it. That is actually what the Manifesto is all about. As far as I know, no better summary of the beauty of capital has ever been written. You sort of know it’s true, and yet it can’t be, because it doesn’t compute in the way we’re taught to think. Any more than it computes, for example, that Marx and Engels thought that America was the great country of freedom and revolution and Russia was the great country of tyranny and backwardness.

Egenmäktigt förfarande

Za to je optužen čovek u Švedskoj koji nije više mogao da čeka u bolnici da mu zašiju ranu, pa uzeo konac i iglu u ruke i zašio je sam. Bolnica je podnela prihavu za neovlašćeno koriščenje bolničke imovine:

"I first went to the health clinic, but it was closed. So I rang the medical help line and they told me that it shouldn't be closed, so I went to emergency and sat there," the man named only as Jonas told the newspaper.

After an hour-long wait in a treatment room, he lost patience and proceeded to sew up his own wound.

"They had set out a needle and thread and so I decided to take the matter into my hands," he said.

But hospital staff were not as impressed by his initiative and have reported the man on suspicion of criminal dispossession (egenmäktigt förfarande) for having used hospital equipment without authorization.

Čisto da ne bude zabune, bolnice u Švedskoj su državne.