
14 February 2008

Od siromaštva ka prosperitetu

Od nedavno se na sajtu Centra za liberalno-demokratske studije nalazi nova studija, From Poverty to Prosperity - Free Market Based Solutions (Od siromaštva do prosperiteta - rešenja zasnovana na slobodnom tržištu) koju je radilo četvoro naših članova. Između ostalih i dobitnica nagrade "Tržišno rešenje godine", Danica Popović.

Studija pokriva sledeće teme: uloga pojedinca; slobodna trgovina, rast i prosperitet; strana pomoć i prosperitet; vladavina prava, ekonomski rast i prosperitet; javne finansije i rast; socijalna pomoć.

Jedan nasumični citat iz zaključaka: "Economic growth is synonymous with the path from poverty to prosperity. It is the only way of sustainable elimination of poverty. If redistribution works at all, it works only temporarily. Individuals should be at the centre of the change from poverty to prosperity, since it is the responsibility of the individual to take care of himself/herself and the family. Accordingly, incentives should be created for each individual for the pursuit of his/her own prosperity. The most efficient incentives are those of the free market. The invisible hand of the free market creates rewards for the successful and penalties for those who are not. Everyone will use all his/her talents to achieve the best possible results at the market. That is the consequence of the basic human desire for success and the fear of failure."

Nažalost, za sada se na sajtu nalazi samo engleska verzija, a srpsku možete da očekujete uskoro.

1 comment:

Ivan Jankovic said...

citao sam neke delove, mislim da je odlicna.