
10 May 2012


Odličan esej Roberta Bradleya o "iscrpljivim resursima". Izgleda da i nisu baš tako iscrpljeni. Evo zgodnog citata:

Petroleum…is an example of an expanding “depletable” resource. The first estimate of proved crude oil reserves worldwide, made in 1944, was 51 billion barrels. Today, that number is 1.4 trillion barrels, and cumulative production in the last 66 years has been twenty times the original estimate. Natural gas and coal proved reserves have also increased several-fold despite decades of production. Reserves of tin, copper, iron ore, lead, and zinc were also higher in 2000 than in 1950, despite the fact that production in the half century in between substantially exceeded reserves in 1950. The story would be similar for other minerals, from bauxite to uranium.


Anonymous said...

Proved vs estimated?

Anonymous said...

A ja imam nekoliko pitanja za vas.

1. Da li je tacno da je proizvodnja nafte u SAD danas manja nego sto je bila u odredjenom istorijskom trenutku?

2. Da li je tacno da je proizvodnja nafte u Meksiku danas manja nego sto je bila u odredjenom istorijskom trenutku

3. Da li je tacno da je proizvodnja nafte u
Velikoj Britaniji i Norveskoj tj nafte iz Severnog mora danas manja nego sto je bila u odredjenom istorijskom trenutku?

Da ili ne?