
02 February 2012

Cash is king

Investiciona strategija Darka Miličića:

It’s nearly impossible to explain the weirdness that is Darko, but he told me one time that he did not keep his money in any bank, nor did he invest in stocks or bonds. “I just keep it,” he told me and then turned away. Looking back, I should have asked a follow-up question. I don’t know if I believe him, but he was making over $6 million that season. That’s a lot of cheddar to stash underneath a mattress! On another note… that was easily the longest conversation we ever had, and that was how he preferred it.


Aleksandar Stevanović said...

A ja sam sa druge strane citao da je trenutke nostalgije i sedenja na klupi Detroita lecio upravo tako sto bi zvao banku da cuje stanje na racunu, pa bi mu posle bilo lakse. Kako bilo on je retka seljacina, ali s druge strane i neko ko je poklonio bolesnoj deci svoje sopstvene pare i to ne malo.

Marko Paunović said...

Pa dobro, jedno ne iskljucuje drugo. :)