Amid all the complicated economic theories about the causes and solutions to poverty, one idea is so basic it seems radical: just give money to the poor. Despite its skeptics, researchers have found again and again that cash transfers given to significant portions of the population transform the lives of recipients. Countries from Mexico to South Africa to Indonesia are giving money directly to the poor and discovering that they use it wisely – to send their children to school, to start a business and to feed their families.
Directly challenging an aid industry that thrives on complexity and mystification, with highly paid consultants designing ever more complicated projects, Just Give Money to the Poor offers the elegant southern alternative – bypass governments and NGOs and let the poor decide how to use their money. Stressing that cash transfers are not charity or a safety net, the authors draw an outline of effective practices that work precisely because they are regular, guaranteed and fair. This book, the first to report on this quiet revolution in an accessible way, is essential reading for policymakers, students of international development and anyone yearning for an alternative to traditional poverty-alleviation methods.
Directly challenging an aid industry that thrives on complexity and mystification, with highly paid consultants designing ever more complicated projects, Just Give Money to the Poor offers the elegant southern alternative – bypass governments and NGOs and let the poor decide how to use their money. Stressing that cash transfers are not charity or a safety net, the authors draw an outline of effective practices that work precisely because they are regular, guaranteed and fair. This book, the first to report on this quiet revolution in an accessible way, is essential reading for policymakers, students of international development and anyone yearning for an alternative to traditional poverty-alleviation methods.
Meni deluje razumno. U indijskim novinama The Hindu je objavljen tekst sa nešto više informacija, a ovde je post Armanda Barrientosa, jednog od autora knjige, na blogu Ending World Poverty.
A ko ce da im uradi infrastrukturu?
Prvo, cini mi se da su autori malo konfuzni u konceptualnom smislu. Najpre, kazu da ova strategija zaobilazi vlade, NGOe i industriju pomoci. A onda u sledecoj recenici kazu da se recept sastoji u tome da vlade daju direktne kes transfere siromasnima. Pa kako se onda "zaobilaze vlade", ako je rec o vladinim programima redistribucije?
Sto se tice same ideje da se redustribucijom moze iskoreniti siromastvo ja sam iskreno dirnut blazenom upornoscu ljudi da uprkos svemu istrajavaju na starim kolektivistickim iluzijama, u novom pakovanju. Zaista, zasto se obazirati na fakat da nikad nigde u istoriji civilizacije siromastvo nije prevazidjeno ikako drukcije osim slobodnom trgovinom i povecanjem ulaganja kapitala per capita, kad mozemo da eksperimentisemo jos malo sa socijalizmom i preraspodelom. Mozda ovaj put upali, nikad se ne zna...
Nema veze sto Kina, Indija, Koreja, Indonezija ili Istocna Evropa ovog casa rapidno prevazilaze siromastvo iskljucivo kapitalizmom i bez ikakve "strategije" mega-preraspodele. U Africi je drukcije...
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