
26 April 2012

Premali broj sastanaka

U WSJ je izašao članak u kojem opisuju šta se desilo bivšem premijeru Islanda. Naime, posebni sud ga je proglasio krivim što u sred svetske ekonomske krize nije držao dovoljno sastanaka:

On Monday the president of the court, a Supreme Court judge, read its decision to a tense audience in a historic Reykjavik mansion. Of the 15 judges, six wanted to acquit Mr. Haarde of all four charges against him. A majority, however—nine out of 15—decided to acquit Haarde of three of the four charges, but found him guilty on the fourth count: that he had not held a sufficient number of meetings of government ministers on important issues before and during the financial crisis.


Anonymous said...

Ne može i jare i pare :)

Negde bi njime uflekali zid.

Šta Marko kaže, Irska il' Island?

Чокањ said...

Сетих се овога.

Жива је то истина. :)