
15 June 2011

Zanimljivo pismo

Trenutno se u Americi vodi bitka za ukidanje subvencija za proizvodnju etanola iz kukuruza. U raspravu se uključila i firma Koch industries, sledećim pismom:

Dear Senator Coburn,
Koch Industries has opposed federal mandates and subsidies for decades. Our aim is to create a free market where consumers decide winners and losers based on which products they decide to buy, instead of government picking winners and losers based on which friends or products it chooses to subsidize.
One such government intervention is the tax credit that provides about $6 billion each year to blenders of ethanol. Lawmakers in the Senate could take a sensible step by approving an amendment sponsored by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK.) that would eliminate this credit. We hold this position despite the fact that we benefit from these tax credits.
We oppose ethanol subsidies because they distort economic signals about price and demand and create inefficiencies that divert resources from productive activities to politically favored ones. We have also opposed subsidies for natural gas vehicles and other biofuels for these same reasons.
Still, our company now produces and blends ethanol, because while we would prefer that there be no government mandates or subsidies, once such laws are in place we will comply with them. We will not place our company or our employees at a competitive disadvantage in the mixed-market economy in which we compete.
Our government and public affairs activities are based on principles of economic freedom and property rights that are core values recognized and held by the majority of Americans. Koch will continue to lobby for the repeal of energy subsidies and mandates. We will work to transform the current, mixed-market economy into a true free-market economy.
Philip Ellender
President and COO Public Affairs
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC

Retki su primeri u kojima ljudi stavljaju neki princip iznad svog ličnog interesa.


Vlada said...

Zamislite npr. Miodraga Kostića koji šalje pismo Mirku Cvetkoviću gde traži da Fond za razvoj prestane sa davanjem naših para privrednicima koji taj novac koriste da kupuju jahte umesto da ulažu u proizvodnju...

Ivan said...

A sta cemo sada sa globalnim zagrevanjem:

Vlada said...

Pa lepo su rekli, pre globalnog zagrevanja mora planeta prvo dobro da se ohladi :)))

Ivan said...

Pa posto su "dokazali" da je CO2 glavni krivac za gobalno zagrevanje moze da se uvede firmama obaveza sto veceg emitovanja CO2 kao borba protiv zahladjenja. Koima malu emisiju mora da plati penale :)

Igor said...


jel znas mozda zasto je Grover Norquist bio veliki protivnik ovoga? Navodno je uskracivanje subvencija postalo povecanje poreza?


Marko Paunović said...

Koliko kapiram, ovde se ne radi o obicnoj subvenciji, vec o poreskoj olaksici, tako da, formalno posmatrano, ukidanje odredjene poreske olaksice jeste "povecanje poreza".

Anonymous said...

Porodica Koch je već decenijama veliki donator idejama slobodnog tržišta,tačnije imaju fondaciju koja se time bavi. Inače radi se o najvećoj privatnoj kompaniji na svetu(koja je u posedu samo 1 akcionara)