
23 May 2008

Konkurentnost, opasna opsesija

Povodom formiranja Nacionalnog saveta za konkurentnost i naglašavanja njegove ključne uloge u dolepomenutoj Strategiji setio sam se jednog klasičnog teksta Paula Krugmana iz 1990-ih: Konkurentnost - opasna opsesija (pdf, engleski). Pošto je Krugman ekstrmni levičar, ovog puta i sigurno nije reč o ideologiji nego o razumevanju spoljne trgovine. Članovi Saveta bi morali da ga pročitaju.


Marko Paunović said...

Stvarno sjajan tekst... Eh, kakav je to ekonomista nekad bio.

Sa kraja teksta:

So let's start telling the truth: competitiveness is a meaningless word when applied to national
economies. And the obsession with competitiveness is both wrong and dangerous.

Lazar Antonić said...

Još jedan dobar citat gde Krugman tvrdi da je zbog sujete teško ubediti ljude u irelevantnost trgovinskog balansa.

Tell a group of businessmen that a country is like a corporation writ
large, and you give them the comfort of feeling that they already understand the basics. Try to tell
them about economic concepts like comparative advantage, and you are asking them to learn
something new. It should not be surprising if many prefer a doctrine that offers the gain of
apparent sophistication without the pain of hard thinking.