
05 September 2011

Joe Sobran

The investor who finds a way to make soap from peanuts has more genuine imagination than the revolutionary with a bayonet, because he has cultivated the faculty of imagining the hidden potentiality of the real. This is much harder than imagining the unreal, which may be why there are so many more utopians than inventors

Ceo tekst ovde.


Jovan said...
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Jovan said...

Nemam gde drugde okaciti, ako moze komentar na
jedno lepo trzisno resenje. :)

Vladimir_CA said...

Legendaran članak. Posebno mi se sviđa ovaj dio:

"All this is not to suggest that liberals like the Soviet system. Their attitude toward it is peculiar. They see it as a sort of death-god, a Moloch, that must be constantly appeased and propitiated, never angered. Moloch is beyond morality. He is a 'reality,' which it is not our place to censure. That only makes him mad. And a good roar from Moloch sends liberals scurrying, indignant not at him, of course, but at whoever 'provoked' him."

Još jedan odličan Sobranov članak (citat: "As I sometimes put it, the U.S. Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government. "):

Koja šteta što je Sobran pred kraj života tako prolupao.