
17 August 2010

Brown is new Green

Pročitajte tekst o VW bubi koja ide na metan proizveden od ljudskih fekalija.

Kad smo već kod ljudskih fekalija, ovde možete pročitati vrlo zanimljiv tekst o ocu Stivena Levita, autora Frikonomiksa, poznatim kao Dr. Fart:

In his 40-year career, Levitt has seen only two patients (both men) who farted upward of 140 times a day, but these extraordinary cases were lactose-intolerant individuals and, once dairy products were cut out of their diets, they returned to the normal range of acceptability. "These two were the biggest farters of my career. One of them complained that his sex life had been ruined by his chronic farting," Levitt says.


Lighthouse said...

U ovakvim prilikama, uvek se setim romana Vladimira Vojnoviča "Moskva 2042", objavljenog još 1982.

Anonymous said...

Ko daje ser sirovinu nek' ne brine za ishranu :P