
12 October 2008

Ekonomisti protiv Obame

Šta god rekli oni "libertarijanci za Obamu", stotinjak viđenih pro-tržišno orijentisanih profesora ekonomije iz Amerike, uključujući (ako je to od nekog značaja) i nekolicinu nobelovaca, nisu baš mnogo impresionirani ovim kandidatom. Oni, naprotiv, misle da je Obama vrlo loš izbor za Ameriku koji će, ako bude izabran, svojim drakonskim porezima, državnom potrošnjom i spoljnotrgovinskim protekcionizmom uvesti Ameriku u duboku recesiju. U svojoj peticiji koja je upravo objavljena, ovi ekonomisti između ostalog kažu:

"Barack Obama argues that his proposals to raise tax rates and halt international trade agreements would benefit the American economy. They would do nothing of the sort. Economic analysis and historical experience show that they would do the opposite. They would reduce economic growth and decrease the number of jobs in America. Moreover, with the credit crunch, the housing slump, and high energy prices weakening the U.S. economy, his proposals run a high risk of throwing the economy into a deep recession. It was exactly such misguided tax hikes and protectionism, enacted when the U.S. economy was weak in the early 1930s, that greatly increased the severity of the Great Depression."

Među potpisnicima su zaista vrlo krupna imena, da spomenem samo Jamesa Buchanana, Gery Beckera, Roberta Mundella, Anne Krueger, Bila Niskanena, Michael Jensena, Alana Meltzera, Martina Feldsteina, Anu Schwartz...

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