
30 July 2007


Ovde je vest, ovde su slike. Irak je novi šampion Azije u fudbalu i Iračani slave širom zemlje. U timu ima Šiita, Sunita i Kurda. Đorđe Balašević je tvrdio da se Jugoslavija ne bi raspala (ili ne tako krvavo) da je osvojila Svetsko prvenstvo 1990-te.

Ovo je sa najpoznatijeg iračkog bloga:
Today is definitely the happiest day for Iraqis in years. Tears of joy mixed with prayers for hope on the faces of millions of Iraqis…Words truly fail me and I can't describe the feeling so please pardon me if the post doesn't sound coherent; I hear the cheering and music outside although the bullets of celebration keep falling on the ground and roofs here and there. But no one seems to worry about that, the moment is so great that fear has no place in the hearts of the millions of fans, neither from bullets nor from crazy suicide bombers who tried to kill our joy last week. (Bombaš samoubica je na slavlju posle pobede u polufinalu ubio 50.)

Our players, tonight our heroes, learned that only with team work they had a chance to win. May our politicians learn from the players and from the fans who are painting a glorious image of unity and national pride, and let the terrorists know that nothing can kill the spirit of the sons of the immortal Tigris and Euphrates.

The fear is gone, the curfew is ignored, tonight Iraq knows only joy...


Anonymous said...

Vec cujem price da su amerikanci namestili da irak dobije i necverovatno me nervira to razmisljanje kako ameri sve kontrolisu i sve je neka zavera. Ili mozda gresim? Slavisa, ti si bio dole, jel imaju neki tim?

Slaviša Tasić said...

Ma, kad bi Ameri razumeli šta fudbal u drugim zemljama znači možda bi i namestili. Oni drugačije shvataju sport. Irak je inače igrao polufinale ili finale na prethodnoj olimpijadi, tako da im je ovo očigledno dobra generacija.