
05 June 2012

Murray Rothbard o strategiji

Pre 20 godina:

Another alternative right-wing strategy is that commonly pursued by many libertarian or conservative think tanks: that of quiet persuasion, not in the groves of academe, but in Washington, D.C., in the corridors of power. This has been called the "Fabian" strategy, with think tanks issuing reports calling for a two percent cut in a tax here, or a tiny drop in a regulation there. The supporters of this strategy often point to the success of the Fabian Society, which, by its detailed empirical researches, gently pushed the British state into a gradual accretion of socialist power.

The flaw here, however, is that what works to increase state power does not work in reverse. For the Fabians were gently nudging the ruling elite precisely in the direction they wanted to travel anyway. Nudging the other way would go strongly against the state's grain, and the result is far more likely to be the state's co-opting and Fabianizing the think-tankers themselves rather than the other way around. This sort of strategy may, of course, be personally very pleasant for the think-tankers, and may be profitable in cushy jobs and contracts from the government. But that is precisely the problem.

And so the proper strategy for the right wing must be what we can call "right-wing populism": exciting, dynamic, tough, and confrontational, rousing, and inspiring not only the exploited masses, but the often shell-shocked right-wing intellectual cadre as well. And in this era where the intellectual and media elites are all establishment liberal-conservatives, all in a deep sense one variety or another of social democrat, all bitterly hostile to a genuine right, we need a dynamic, charismatic leader who has the ability to short-circuit the media elites, and to reach and rouse the masses directly. We need a leadership that can reach the masses and cut through the crippling and distorting hermeneutical fog spread by the media elites.


  1. Anonymous5/6/12 22:25

    Rothbard je bio odličan mislilac i sve to, ali kao strateg i taktičar je bio potpuni promašaj :)

    Prvo strategija suradnje sa ljevicom oko Vijetnama, koja je bila promašaj. Onda desni populizam sa Pat Buchananom, čini mi se, koji je opet propao. Čak i treća strategija, sa think tankovima, je propala jer je iz najjačeg, Catoa, Rothbard istjeran.

    Najbolja strategija za libertarijanizam je "libertarijanizam u nacionalnoj državi", koliko god to zvučalo kao oksimoron. Austrijanci su jako slabi po pitanju nacionalizma, i Hayek, i Mises i Rothbard. Tek je Hoppe nešto malo određeniji, precizniji i u pravu.

  2. @usporedbe

    Apsolutno se slažem.
    Borislav Pekić je identičnu hipotezu dokazao u svom eseju "Demokratija i nacija". Inače, kao što je poznato, Pekić nije bio ekonomista niti političar, već književnik. U njegovim književnim delima, a naročito u esejima, jasno se vidi da se zalagao za sve vrste sloboda, a naročito za privatizaciju državnog sektora. Da skratim - Pekić je paradigma klasičnog liberala kome je nacija podjednako važna kao i lične slobode.

    I pitanje za autora bloga - da li je na srpski preveden "Manifest libertarijanizma"? Ako nije, možda bih se upustio u avanturu prevoda.

  3. Dakle, puno ime knjige glasi - "For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto".
    Negde sam našao preveden odlomak, ali nikako da dođem do informacije da li postoji prevod integralnog teksta.
    Unapred hvala na odgovoru. :)

  4. Koliko je meni poznato, knjiga nije prevedena do sada na srpski.


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