
28 February 2011

Papir trpi sve

I argue that decent regimes may indeed be rational, but cannot be considered reasonable,  and so do not permit essential elements of the three strands of justice as fairness; those of  fairness, freedom and equality.  So instead of the toleration that Rawls prescribes towards  states where regimes do not allow certain freedoms but maintain a veneer of political  legitimacy, this thesis proposes that such regimes could become legitimate targets for intervention because of the violation of basic human rights implied in the denial of such freedoms as voting or free speech.

Radi se o citatu iz doktorske teze "The Role of Civil Society in the Democratisation of Global Governance Institutions: From ‘Soft Power’ to Collective Decision-Making", a koju je napisao i na LSE-ju odbranio Saif Al-Islam Alqadhafi, poznat i kao "Borićemo se do poslednjeg metka" Gadafi Junior.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous28/2/11 14:25

    Zapanjen sam licemernošću ovog čoveka! Delovao mi je tako drago.

    Ima mnogo stvari koje povezuju vrhuške širom sveta ali jedna je zaista posebna. Time se i jedan ovde hvali, što ga čini delom "elite" u Srbiji pa makar i ne živeo u njoj.


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