
26 October 2010


Pogledajte sajt Economics of Seinfeld (i link je zanimljiv - na kojem možete da pogledate vrlo zanimljive lekcije iz ekonomske teorije, kroz isečke iz sjajne serije.

Na samom sajtu nema video snimaka, ali daju kratak opis scene, epizodu i vreme određene scene. Na primer, jedna od epizoda na dobar način objašnjava koncept dominantne strategije. Evo citata sa sajta:

George thinks he has been offered a job, but the man offering it to him got interrupted in the middle of the offer, and will be on vacation for the next week. George, unsure whether an offer has actually been extended, decides that his best strategy is to show up. If the job was indeed his, this is the right move. But even if the job is not, he believes that the benefits outweigh the costs.

Ili,  epizoda koja objašnjava koncept moralnog hazarda:

Jerry's car is stolen, so he rents a car. The rental company doesn't give him the car he reserved; he gets a small economy car. They ask if he wants insurance, and he replies, “Yes, because I'm going to beat the hell out of this car.”

Ko je voleo Sajnfelda, neka pogleda i Curb your enthusiasm. Autor i glavni glumac je Leri Dejvid, koautor Sajnfelda i osoba na osnovu koje je napravljen lik Džordža Konstance.

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