
21 October 2010

Izbori u Švedskoj

Desilo se nešto što se nikada u istoriji nije desilo - levičari su izgubili dva izbora za redom.  Naime, u prethodnih 78 godina, na vlasti su levičari bili punih 65. Desničari su dolazili na vlast tu i tamo, ali nikada nisu uspevali da opstanu na vlasti nakon sledećih izbora. Sada se to dogodilo. Kako i zašto?

Engleski Spectator kaže sledeće:

When the recession came, Sweden was badly hurt, as one would expect from an export-orientated economy trading with a stricken continent. But the damage was limited because Sweden had properly regulated financial institutions (having been stung by a serious financial crisis in the 1990s. Banks which had embarked on misadventures in the Baltic cleaned up their own mess. The government entered the recession with a surplus. A Gordon Brown figure would have been impossible in Sweden because its laws prohibit politicians running up the national debt in boom years.

Like most of Europe, Sweden launched a stimulus, but Reinfeldt set aside two thirds of his for a tax cut. Corporation tax fell from 28 per cent to 26.3 per cent, taxes on jobs were cut further still while income tax thresholds were raised. Determined not to let a crisis go to waste, he declared the tax cuts permanent. So while Brown was planning to increase National Insurance, the Swedes were doing the reverse and explaining why. 'If you tax work higher, you will get fewer people in work,' said the education minister, Jan Björklund. 'But if you tax work less you will get more in work.' This was a battle of ideas, and it was a battle that Reinfeldt and his coalition allies were winning.

 Pogledajte i tekstove na sajtu Reutersa, i jednom od sajtova na engleskom koji prate događaje u Švedskoj.

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