
01 July 2010


Koga takve stvari zanimaju, na sajtu Time Magazinea možete naći sve tekstove koje je magazin objavio od 1923. godine. Ako na sajtu tražite tekstove u kojima se pominje Serbia i ako ih složite hronološki, dobićete sledeće tekstove.

Na primer, možete pročitati u članku od 21. marta 1923. godine o nedavno održanim izborima, kao i to da je Hrvatska seljačka stranka Stjepana Radića ostvarila odlične rezultate i povećala broj poslanika sa 49 na 70. Za Radića kažu " He is in favor of the separation of Croatia from the rest of Yugoslavia and setting his country as an independent republic." Zanimljiv je i članak pod naslovom "Montenegro: Cessession" od 4. juna 1923. A članak od 2.jula 1928. počinje sledećom rečenicom "Serbia was the traditional Land of Assassinations".

Sve u svemu, možda bi bolje bilo da deci, umesto udžbenika iz istorije, daju da čeprkaju po Time-ovom sajtu.


  1. Anonymous2/7/10 09:45

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous2/7/10 09:47

    Pa ovo je stvarno odlicno!!! Svaka cast kada si ovo podijelio sa nama. Ima odlicnih tekstova i "tone" materijala za citanje. Nasao sam jedan,

    YUGOSLAVIA: Island of Freedom
    General Mihailovich was issuing passports for "Unoccupied Serbia," which he also called "an island of freedom."

    Draja Mihailovich's fiery army of 145-150,000 former Yugoslav regulars, Serb Chetnik guerrillas, Croats, Slovenes, Jews, Bulgarian and Austrian deserters,

    Read more:,9171,932306-1,00.html#ixzz0sVcaRkuE

  3. Meni se posebno svideo ovaj pasus:

    The three latest fugitive bigwigs to be chased out of their country by the rolling swastika fled first last week to hard-pressed Athens, then to Jerusalem. They were 17-year-old King Peter of Yugo slavia, his 22-day Premier, General Dusan Simovitch, and Dr. Vladimir Matchek, Vice Premier and Croat Peasant Leader. About all they took with them was the grim satisfaction that Adolf Hitler will have a tough time making that hetero geneous land make sense. They knew because they had tried to.,9171,765499,00.html

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