
14 April 2009


Jedan od najlucidnijih ekonomskih komentatora na internetu, Donald Boudreaux, objašnjava odnos između trgovine i nasilja u svom pismu New York Timesu:

"While in Mexico, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will pledge U.S. help in the fight against violent Mexican drug suppliers ("Clinton Says U.S. Feeds Mexico Drug Trade," March 26).

It's interesting to reflect that when Mrs. Clinton visits France she need not pledge U.S. help in the fight against violent French wine suppliers. Or that when she visits Belgium she need not pledge help against violent Belgian chocolate suppliers. Or that when she visits Colombia she need not pledge help against violent Colombian coffee suppliers. Or that when she visits Japan she need not pledge help against violent Japanese automobile suppliers.

I detect a pattern! When goods and services can be produced, sold, and consumed legally, suppliers of these goods and services are peaceful and not violent.

Donald J. Boudreaux

Još jedan član koalicije slobodnomislećih libertarijanaca.

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