
11 May 2007

Edukativni program

U muslimanskom svetu se crtani filmovi i dečije emisije često koriste da šire religiozne poruke. To je naravno ok, smešno ali ok, ipak nekad i preteraju. Miki Maus u Palestini poziva decu na samoubilačke akcije, odbranu Al Aksa džamije i uništenje Jevreja. Samo još da ne vidimo Šilju kako edukuje o oslobođenju Kosova.


  1. Anonymous11/5/07 11:44

    Mr. Antonic,

    Please pardon my writing in English, I don't really understand Serbian anymore. My family moved to Brooklyn in 1964, when I was four years old. I have sat here with my grandmother, she's 87 and still loves the plum brandy, while she translated some of your blogs. My name is Larry and her name is Anja. We are very close. My grandmother always tells me about the old country. She loved Tito. Those were the glory days. That is what my grandmother tells me. She has always hated it here in America. She hates capitalist dogs. I do, too. These people talk about liberty, but they really don't know that our uprising against the Ottomans is the only reason the West is free today. My grandmother wants me to tell you that you are full of shit. You and all of the bloodsuckers of your generation. You have destroyed socialism and the ghosts of our martyrs will punish you for eternity. I don't always agree with her, she gets very angry about Serbia today. I do think that you are full of shit, though. I suggest you take that Ayn Rand Fountainhead out of your ass before it causes permanent rupture. Long live the Republic!


  2. Anonymous11/5/07 11:46

    You are not even real Serb. Soviet would eat you like chicken.

    Larry Yankovic

  3. Comrade Larry,

    It is very nice of you to credit me with destruction of socialism. Unfortunately that isn't all that true. Socialism was dead when I begun writing this blog. I'm just trying to kick the dying bustard a few more times, before I hear its final breath.

    You see, until now, I never quite understood why socialists were never ready to change a capitalist country for socialist one. A move that was done by so many capitalists born in socialist countries, like Ayn Rand that you have so conveniently mentioned. I guess I realize it now as apparently socialists prefer to eat where they shit. I salute you.

    I would most honestly recommend that you take your welfare check with you and move to Cuba to experience socialism while you still can. Obviously your family forgot why you moved out from Yugoslavia to begin with. This should help you refresh family memories.

    I would really like to give my warmest regards to your grandmother, Anja, who I believe is our oldest reader. If you provide me with your address I'll be more than willing to send you a bottle of real serbian capitalist plum brandy (sljivovica).



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