
Nobel za mir?

Grameen banka i njen osnivač Muhamed Junus su dobitnici Nobelove nagrade za mir. Iako nemaju mnogo veze sa mirom, već više sa borbom protiv siromaštva. Prema Nobelovom testamentu, nagrada za mir se dodeljuje "osobi koja je izuzetno doprinela prijateljstvu među narodima, ukidanju ili smanjivanju vojski i u održavanju i promociji mirovnih kongresa". Ali izgleda da se niko mnogo ne uzbuđuje oko ovoga, dobitnik najmanje.

Mikro krediti mogu biti veoma uspešni u borbi protiv siromaštva. Ovde je članak dobitnika Muhameda Junusa o tome. Evo isečka:
I started the Grameen Bank 30 years ago by distributing about $27 (no typo here!) worth of loans among 40 extremely poor Bangladeshis. Since the bank officially opened in 1983, it has loaned $5.7 billion in microfinance. Today, Grameen has 6.6 million borrowers in
Bangladesh alone, borrowing $500 million a year in loans that average just over $100 each. The loans are entirely financed by borrowers' deposits and the bank recovers 98.85% of all money loaned.

I još važnije:
Many people ask, Why not just give free cash, especially under such dire circumstances? In
Bangladesh, we've learned that when aid is free, not only do the poor get the least of it, but everyone inflates their needs.

A ovde je neko ko kaže da nije sve tako ružičasto:

Grameen is not a bank at all. Deposits from individuals and firms account for a mere 3% of its assets. The bank actually functions as a conduit for huge grants from governments and international agencies.